101 Smart Ways to Pamper Your Skin From Head to Toe

101 ways to pamper your skin

When Oscar Wilde famously said, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression,” he might as well have been talking about the skin you’re wrapped in.

The skin you’re in is the most important part of the beautiful body it’s wrapped around.

Why? Because your skin does many important things.

It holds you together, of course, but it also helps you put your best face and your best foot forward.

Are you ready to learn the hows and whys of everything skin-related? In this guide, you’ll learn the best ways to pamper your skin and how to use products you already have to adapt your skin care to the season and why you can’t overlook even your tootsies.

From the best way to prevent wrinkles to the right time to seal in moisture to surprising uses for milk, honey, and yogurt, this never-be-without-it guide will help you take care of your skin from head to toe.

Begin your journey to healthy skin with pure, potent skin care solutions that actually work! Find the products that deliver the unique results you want. Try the Sample Kit for only $10. Click here to get your Skincare Sample Kit plus $10 off coupon now!

101 Tips to Pamper Your Skin

1. Erase Wrinkles with Retinoids

Retinoids have been proven to improve both the texture of skin, as well as reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. If you are looking to mitigate some of the damage you have already caused then you should choose a retinoid cream.

2. Eat Those Greens

Dark leafy greens are packed with antioxidants, which are a great way to achieve a complexion that is blemish free and radiant. So, start adding arugula and spinach to every meal.

3. Lotion

If you want to protect your skin from drying out then you should start moisturizing after your showers to seal in that moisture. Remember, your hands show the signs of aging first so make sure you have moisturizer handy no matter where you are.

4. Honey Heals

Don’t forget about your lips, and honey is the perfect solution for anyone who experiences cracked and dry lips. It’s also great for cold sores thanks to its anti-viral properties.

5. Minimize Scars

Scars and stretch marks are inevitable facts of life, but they get darker when they are exposed to the sun, so ensure you’re applying a thick layer of sunblock. You can also use a topical cream for minimizing scars before bed.

6. Cell Phone Woes

There might be something to the trend of texting instead of making phone calls. When you hold your cell to your face for long periods of time, it can create rashes and breakouts around your cheek and jawline. So, text those thoughts or have antibacterial wipes on hand to wipe your phone.

7. Choose Products Wisely

When you get your hair ready, your products often seep down to your skin (usually the forehead) so bear this in mind when you’re applying hairspray. Cover your face while you spray, and if you’re heading to the gym wear a sweatband to prevent hair products dripping down your face as the sweat kicks in.

8. Sleep

Getting poor sleep increases the levels of cortisol in your system, which sends your stress levels skyrocketing. Stress and clear skin do not go, so by depriving yourself of sleep, you’re inviting a dull complexion and horrible breakouts.

9. Pamper Yourself

It doesn’t matter what your choice of pampering entails, whether it’s a full body massage or a simple mani-pedi, your appearance is positively influenced when you increase your mental and emotional well-being. What better way to relax than with a pamper session at your favorite spa?

10. Omega 3

The reason that Mediterranean diet is so great for your overall health is that it’s packed with fruit, vegetables, fish, and olive oil… all great sources of Omega 3 Fatty Acids. You get the antioxidants that your skin needs to beat the sum and stay healthy.

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11. Exfoliation

Exfoliation is the process of evening the surface of the skin, removing dead skin cells and bringing the fresh cells to the top. It’s something that everyone should do.

12. Turn Over

You can get sleep lines by sleeping in certain positions, and those lines can lead to wrinkles. Sleep on your back!

13. Exercise

Physical activity sure does have plenty of wide-ranging benefits, doesn’t it? Exercise boosts blood flow, giving you a healthy glow. Not to mention sweating purges toxins and allows you to shed dead skin cells.

14. Don’t Squint

The sun has a lot to answer for on a number of levels, but one you may not have considered is how squinting can result in crow’s feet. Invest in quality sunglasses that offer UV protection and consider going polarized for added protection. While people with dark eyes should always wear sunglasses, it’s even more important for old blue eyes as they are even more sensitive to light.

15. Got Milk?

Milk naturally softens the skin, so why not take advantage of the lactic acid by pouring a few cups of the white stuff in your bath? For an anti-bacterial bonus, add a tablespoon of honey.

16. No Smoking

Of all the reasons to quit smoking your skin should be last, but it’s still an important reason. Guess what? Second-hand smoke can be equally as harmful, so avoid hanging out with friends while they smoke. I guess, you can’t completely cut them off because they smoke, but maybe you could encourage them to look at sites like vapewild.com, to motivate them to quit smoking and find an alternative route to this habit.

If you are serious about getting your friends to quit smoking, something else that would be worth them looking into is a handy guide about nicotine salts. It is best for them to know more information, as this will hopefully encourage them to find an alternative method to smoking, which is what you want. This does sound pretty interesting if I do say so myself. We learn something new every day. You don’t have to be a smoker to know that quitting won’t be easy, but it is worth a try. Your lungs will thank you, too.

17. Waxing

Your bikini line is a sensitive area and anyone who has tackled it with a razor knows that the horrible red bumps it leaves don’t look great in swimsuit season. Choose waxing because it handles thick, coarse hairs handily and they will grow in thinner as time goes on.

18. Chillax

You can choose slices of cucumber to reduce puffy eyes and dark circles, but the truth is that anything that is cold will do the same. This is because cold restricts blood vessels, thus reducing puffiness and swelling. Relax for five minutes for the best results.

19. Toners

These handy products are ideal to keep your skin’s pH levels balanced. Just make sure you avoid any that contain fragrance, color, and alcohol.

20. Eye Care

The skin surrounding your eyes is the thinnest so along with your hands, it starts to show signs of aging early. Therefore, even when you’re still in your 20s you should be taking preventative action to keep the skin looking healthy.

Begin your journey to healthy skin with pure, potent skin care solutions that actually work! Find the products that deliver the unique results you want. Try the Sample Kit for only $10. Click here to get your Skincare Sample Kit plus $10 off coupon now!

Related:  101 Essential Oils Uses For Your Mind, Body And Home

21. Sweat

Sweating may help your body manage its core temperature; unfortunately, it also results in breakouts and irritated skin. The best remedy is a body wash with benzoyl peroxide (or salicylic acid) in the ingredients.

22. Vitamin Intake

Avocados are an excellent source of vitamins C and E as well as the perfect healthy fat. They help keep your skin hydrated, plump, and bright, so if you need a snack… grab a spoon.

23. Hydration

Your body needs plenty of water, and your skin needs even more than you’re likely to drink. You can achieve the right pH balance by using products that contain hyaluronic acid.

24. Red Bumps

If you’re experiencing red bumps on your arms then it’s probably due to blocked follicles. Scrubbing using an abrasive material will only make it worse, so instead, dissolve the bumps with hydroxy acid lotion.

25. Witch Hazel

This natural solution is excellent for tightening skin and reducing bags under the eyes. Soak a couple of cotton pads in witch hazel and pop them over your closed eyes for a few minutes.

26. Eat Superfoods

Foods that contain antioxidants and phytonutrients protect skin from free radicals, so increase your intake of tomatoes and carrots. Carrots also contain beta-carotene, which helps protect against sun damage, as does lycopene, which is found in tomatoes.

27. Go Fish

Fatty fish don’t just contain Omega 3 fatty acids, they also contain oils to reduce inflammation by lubricating cells. It’s an overall win.

28. Makeup Brushes

You should be cleaning your makeup brushes at least once every month, as the bacteria could be causing your breakouts. Dampen the head of your brushes and then allow them to dry.

29. Do It Yourself Scrubs

Olive oil is a great cleanser for people with a normal complexion, but what about dry skin? Mix olive oil with brown sugar and dab it onto dry or flaky patches of skin.

30. Proper Exfoliation

We mentioned exfoliation above, but it isn’t just your face you should be working. Your hands, neck, and chest area also get exposed to the sun so make sure you aren’t forgetting them in the process. Especially considering these areas are prone to early aging.

31. Don’t Pick Your Face

It’s seriously tempting to pop the latest pimple and sometimes even though you’re resisting the urge, you still find yourself touching it and playing with it. This is an unhealthy practice because you’re just pushing bacteria into the pores and making the problem ten times worse. Instead, keep your face clean, and dab on some acne cream until they heal.

32. Assess Your Lotion and Creams

Moisturizing is important, but it’s important to not use greasy ones if you are prone to breakouts.

33. Be Happy

Your emotional wellness or un-wellness shows on your face, so be sure to take care of your feelings and you will look and feel better.

34. When Life Gives You Lemons

Are you desperate for a brighter complexion? Start rubbing a lemon on your face (just make sure you’re not heading out in the sun after).

35. Tea Party Time

We know how effective antioxidants can be at preventing the signs of aging, so when you’re buying your skin care products keep your eyes peeled for products that contain green tea (and CoQ10 and vitamin C).

Begin your journey to healthy skin with pure, potent skin care solutions that actually work! Find the products that deliver the unique results you want. Try the Sample Kit for only $10. Click here to get your Skincare Sample Kit plus $10 off coupon now!

36. Coconut Water

Okay, it might be trendy, but it is a great way to stay hydrated. Drinking water can get boring and if you struggle to get enough of it then coconut water is a great compromise.

37. Bedtime Routine

It doesn’t matter how exhausted you are, taking your makeup off is a must. Failure to do so leads to clogged pores and can potentially cause bacterial infections (which is then on your pillow). If you struggle to comply with this keep wipes next to your bed for those emergency moments.

38. Exfoliate with The Seasons

You don’t want to strip your skin of its essential oils so make sure you’re exfoliating appropriately. During the summer months, you’ll want to do so three or four times a week, but during winter just once, a week is sufficient.

39. Berries

Berries are packed with free radical fighting antioxidants and they also boost the production of collagen, it’s a win-win.

40. Dry Brush

The beauty of dry brushing is that it’s easy, relaxing, and it boosts your circulation.

41. Dual Purpose

Eye creams can be used in other sensitive areas, so next time you’re applying the good stuff include the area around your lips, the labial folds of your nose, and those 11 lines right between the eyes.

42. Don’t Forget Your Feet

You don’t have to live with hard skin on your feet; you can give them a rub with olive oil or choose a mixture of lotion and salt. Either way, don’t forget your skin covers your entire body.

43. Careful with the Caffeine

If you have seriously dry skin, it may be time to reflect on your diet choices. If you’re a caffeine fiend, then that may be your issue. Save your caffeine hit for your morning brew and start replacing everything else with good old-fashioned water. Add some fruit to it if you’re desperate for more flavor.

44. Alpha Hydroxy Acid

If you want to improve your skin tone, have smoother skin and fewer wrinkles then you should choose an exfoliant that contains alpha hydroxy acid (or beta). Alpha hydroxy acid is especially effective for skin that is dry and/or sun damaged, while beta hydroxy acid is ideal for skin that is prone to blackheads and acne.

45. Sunblock

It doesn’t matter what skin tone you have or what the weather is like, you should always apply sunblock before you head out, and go for an SPF 30.

46. Upgrade Your Eyewear

Whether you wear glasses or contacts if you haven’t had your eyes checked a while you could be squinting unnecessarily. Instead of risking fine lines around your eyes, make the optician an annual thing.

47. SPF Indoors

Even if you have no plans to step outside, if you are driving a long distance, or sit next to glass in your home or at the office you should be applying sunblock. Glass isn’t a UV filter, so make sure you are always protected.

48. Yogurt on Your Face

To cool your skin, keep it pH balanced and control inflammation apply natural yogurt to your face and leave it for five minutes.

49. Stimulation

While there is no foolproof cure for ditching dark circles under your eyes, you should see some improvement by stimulating your circulation. So, when you apply that eye cream give your bags a little massage.

50. Peels

A superficial peel with low levels of glycolic acid can help with pigmentation issues, speak to a dermatologist. If you have some particularly stubborn dark spots or scarring you might need to consider IPL photorejuvenation skin treatments in Las Vegas, which will help to totally eradicate them, but peels are ideal when you first notice a blemish appearing.

51. Love Your Lips

Your lips don’t have the same melanin levels as the rest of your skin, so they have less protection when it comes to the elements. A lip balm is a necessity; just make sure it contains SPF.

52. Warm Compress

If you are troubled by cystic acne, the typical solutions will only dry your skin out, instead, apply a warm compress to the deeper cysts several times a day. Not only will this reduce the inflammation, it will also kill any bacteria present.

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53. Protein

You need protein to produce elastin and collagen, so ensure you get your fill with lean meats, beans, fish, cheese, and eggs. This is especially important as you age, when collage production within the body naturally decreases.

54. Persist

When you choose new skin products don’t give up if you don’t see an immediate improvement. Firstly, you should choose your product based on your skin type and what you want from the product and then give them eight weeks to do the job.

55. Mole Checks

If you visit your dermatologist regularly they will help you tackle anti-aging, and they can also handle mole checks annually. In the meantime, however, you should be regularly checking your body for changes in the shape, size, and color of your moles.

56. Product Tests

Don’t just assume you won’t react to a new product, especially if your skin is sensitive. Test your products 24 hours before you use them and do so by placing it on your wrist.

57. Beauty Sleep

Why not indulge while you asleep by wearing an ultra-hydrating mask? Just blot the excess off in the morning and enjoy the extra moisture.

58. Homemade Toner

Toner doesn’t have to be complicated just mash up an avocado with some lemon juice and use it as a face and neck mask. Leave it for five minutes before washing it off.

59. Eyebrow Breakouts

Do you struggle with breakouts every time you go for a wax? Choose a spa where they use the hypoallergenic hard wax. It’s gentle because it’s low temperature and it sticks to the hair, rather than your skin.

60. Eye Cream

The right eye cream is the ultimate in skin happiness, but don’t be afraid to try a bunch out before you settle. The best way is to ask friends for recommendations and also collect samples so you don’t have to fork out a fortune in your journey.

Begin your journey to healthy skin with pure, potent skin care solutions that actually work! Find the products that deliver the unique results you want. Try the Sample Kit for only $10. Click here to get your Skincare Sample Kit plus $10 off coupon now!

61. Less Wine

Alcohol can lead to wrinkles because it dehydrates skin and inflames the tissue. Make that glass of wine a treat and stop there for better skin.

62. Zinc Sunblock

If you have a problem with sunblock resulting in breakouts then opt for the non-greasy zinc formula. These are great for people with acne problems or sensitive skin.

63. Prescriptions

They’re not all equal and they’re certainly not for everyone. Women between 20 and 40 may benefit from Retin A to handle acne, but that doesn’t worry for everyone and they’re not appropriate for women who are pregnant or trying to conceive. Bear that in mind before you borrow a product from a friend and instead visit a dermatologist.

64. Read the Label

Are you guilty of choosing your products based on the price? Start reading the labels, especially if you have sensitive skin or you are prone to acne. There are certain ingredients, which could be exacerbating your symptoms, such as isopropyl alcohol or SD-40.

65. Bump Razor Burn

We often think about this in terms of looks and of course, it looks terrible. However, don’t forget that it’s a wound! Avoid the issue altogether, by using a shaving gel or cream that contains essential oils. Make sure you change your razor regularly, too.

66. Snacks That Hydrate

When you’re feeling hunger, pangs choose a snack that will provide you with a bit of hydration, snacks like cucumber and watermelon are perfect to give your complexion a boost.

67. Handling Hair Loss

Whether you shave or wax give your bikini area 24 hours and then apply a salicylic acid product. This will help you chase away ingrown hairs and you can use the tip anywhere else you may be troubled by the painful problem.

68. Potato

Did you realize that potatoes contain catecholase, which lightens skin? Take advantage of nature’s wonder by applying a thin slice over your eyes twice a week. 10 minutes should be plenty of time to reduce dark circles.

69. Power Sleep

Choose the right overnight products to reduce puffiness and over-pigmentation around your eyes. The ideal ingredients include the B, C, and P vitamins as they stimulate circulation and the turnover of cells.

70. Supplements

A multivitamin is an excellent way to keep lines and wrinkles away, just make sure yours contains vitamins C and E – even better if it also has Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

71. Sun Damage Supplements

You can fight the signs of damage due to the sun by supplementing vitamins A, C, and E.

72. Homemade Soft Skin

If you want to get the softest skin possible mix, equal measures of olive oil and sugar to create your own scrub. Apply it from neck to toe and do so using circular motions. Allow the mixture to soak on your skin for five to ten minutes and then rinse.

73. Oysters

They’re not just an aphrodisiac; oysters are also an excellent source of zinc. If you want that zinc boost but can’t stand oysters, you can also try crab, beans, turkey, dairy, and the dark meat of a chicken.

74. Sayonara Cellulite

One effective way to minimize cellulite is by increasing the circulation to the area. The next time you’re in the bath or shower, spend some extra time with your scrub across your thighs and buttocks. Dry brushing is also great for this.

75. Ditch Sulfates

If your skin is particularly sensitive, avoid any products that contain sulfate. This can strip the sebum too much leaving you itchy, flaky, and dry.

76. Egg Washed Face

If your problem is oily skin then egg whites can come to your rescue. Give your face a thin layer of egg white over your face (after washing) and battle the shine.

77. SPF Clothes

The sun’s UV rays can damage skin even through your clothes, so even if you’re applying SPF 30 or more on a daily basis it isn’t enough. You can avoid the sun altogether or instead buy clothes infused with SPF.

78. Kiwi Crazy

Kiwis (and grapefruits and oranges) are an excellent source of Vitamin C, which just happens to boost the production of collagen, thus protecting you from wrinkles.

79. I Can’t Believe It’s Butter

Butter (and other fatty foods) increases the production of insulin, thus causing your body to produce more androgen. Androgen leads to excessive production of sebum, thus clogging your pores, trapping bacteria, and causing acne. Therefore, if you have constant breakouts, it might just be your butter habit.

80. Scrap Sodium

You may adore pretzels and potato chips, but your habit is increasing your sodium intake and it may be the reason your skin is so dehydrated. Cut your sodium intake and watch your skin flourish.

81. Pillow Problems

There’s nothing quite like the feeling you experience when your head finally hits your pillow at night. Here’s the thing about that… you shed your skin while you sleep so just think about the last time you washed your sheets. Give your pillowcase case a wash at least every two weeks.

82. Boost Your Water

You may want to consider adding an antioxidant rich boost to your water. It will help flush toxins from your body, thus improving your skin.

83. Liquor Loss

Alcohol affects your body’s vitamin A stores and it’s one of the most important antioxidants when it comes to skin tissue repairs. This will leave your skin flaky and dry.

Related:  A Beginner’s Guide to Toxic Free Clean Beauty Products (And What To Expect When You Make The Switch)

84. Olive Oil

Why not try olive oil instead of lotion after your shower? Just apply it as you would lotion and then pat yourself dry with a damp towel.

85. Night Creams

They are for everyone, but especially anyone who is 30 or older. Choose a thick formula and give your skin a hand in its overnight regeneration process.

86. Facewash

There is such a thing as over-washing. In fact, if you wash your face too much it may encourage excessive production of oil. You only need to wash your face in the morning and again in the evening. For those with dry skin, a night wash is enough; a splash of cold water in the morning is more than sufficient.

87. Eat for Your Skin

That last crash diet may have had you sliding back into your favorite old pair of skinny jeans, but it probably did a number on your skin. Make sure you’re getting plenty of Vitamins A, B3, C, and E in your diet.

88. Peptides

Choose a product with peptides to wage war against saggy skin.

89. Get Steamy

Imagine how your pores feel after you cover them with makeup, sweat profusely, and survive another humid summer day… treat them to a steam by throwing a towel over your head and putting your face over a bowl of hot water. Steam can burn you, though, so ensure the water isn’t too hot.

90. Sex Is Exercise

Having sex can fight the signs of aging! It boosts the production of collagen, thus keeping sagging at bay.

91. Don’t Miss a Spot

When you’re applying your daily dose of sunblock, make sure you get your chest, neck, hands, and ears, too.

92. No Tanning

You wouldn’t go to the beach without first applying sunblock, would you? Guess what, going to the tanning bed is worse for your skin than that, so just don’t do it.

93. Sugarless

Sorry to have to break this to you, but excessive amounts of sugar reacts with the proteins in your skin, which speeds up the appearance of aging.

94. Lukewarm Showers

You may prefer your showers long and steamy, but your skin prefers a lukewarm one. When it’s long, hot, and steamy it strips away, the skin’s outermost layer, which results in skin, that is dry and scaly.

95. Pop It Right

If you just can’t resist popping pimples at least take the proper precautions. Picking and popping can cause skin infections, break blood vessels, and result in scarring. However, if you can’t help yourself at least use two warm cotton buds to gently squeeze the pus the surface.

96. Smooth Skin

Looking for a natural way to enjoy smooth skin? Eat more sweet potatoes!

97. Fortified Foods

Choosing foods that are rich in silicone will keep your hair and nails healthy and help you fight wrinkles. So, stock up on bell peppers, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, and spinach.

98. Tea Bags

If your eyes are puffy in the morning then give them a morning green tea bag treatment. Steep the tea bags first and then leave them to cool in the fridge for 20 minutes. This will boost the circulation and it will feel refreshing, too.

99. SPF Tips

We’ve covered the importance of sunblock heavily here, but here’s just one more tip for you. Don’t rely on the SPF in your makeup for appropriate protection. Remember, you will apply it lighter in some areas and heavier in others. So, before you even start the makeup application, apply a sunscreen that is oil free and mattifying.

100. Spot Coverage

If you are in the midst of a breakout use a spot cover and sheer foundation. If you cover your face with more makeup than necessary, you could make clear areas a problem spot. You can simply retexturize large pimples with acne drying cream and then just cover them up.

101. Minerals

Minerals are a must when it comes to collagen production, so beef up your diet with chickpeas, chicken, walnuts, dried fruits, and lean beef to get plenty of copper, selenium, and zinc.

Know Your Skin Type

Of course, in addition to the 101 tips above, there is another incredibly important tip that is applicable to everyone. You should know what type of skin you have so that you can address its needs properly.

The simplest way to determine your skin type is to gently pat blotting paper to your face. While holding the blotting paper to the light, notice the amount of oil it picked up. A minuscule amount of oil (or none at all) means your skin type is dry. More oil means your skin type is normal or combination.

Combination – If you have areas of your skin which are oily while others are dry then you fall into this category of skin type. Use a mild cleanser and choose a medium lotion that contains sunscreen. Retinol cream may be appropriate for you.

Oily – You may need to wash your face as many as three times a day, but be careful not to over wash. Use oil-free products and foaming cleansers with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid in them. You will likely still need a moisturizer, but it needs to be a lightweight option (that also contains sunscreen). For people with oily skin, it is a misconception that you can’t add oils in your skin care routine. You can, but it depends on what it is. If you are trying to target a specific problem area, then the use of oils could be beneficial. But before you start applying any oil you find, it is best to do your research to get the best results. You could try tea tea oil if you want to target hyperpigmentation or oils containing hemp if you want to help with breakouts. Check out a site like https://kingcbdco.com/ for more information. Another step for people with oily skin is you can exfoliate twice a week, but not during breakouts. Avoid products that contain coconut oil or cocoa butter.

Dry – Washing your face twice a day may be too much, just ensure you choose a gentle cleanser, and then apply a sunblock moisturizer while your skin is still damp. If your skin is feeling tight, you may want a midday moisturizing application to boost hydration. If you have incredibly, dry skin you should just wash your face in the evening. If your skin is flaky a once a week exfoliation is plenty.

Sensitive – Washing your face in the evening is sufficient and you should avoid exfoliation. Avoid any products that contain alcohol, fragrances, or soap and instead choose those with green tea, aloe, and chamomile. Use a moisturizer that is cream based every morning but avoid anything that contains salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or lipoic acid. A mild retinoid may be appropriate.


Take good care of your skin now and it will take care of you forever. Now that you know your skin type, the best ways to treat it, and 101 easy-to-follow tips for keeping your skin supple, youthful, and beautiful, you have a plethora of tools to help you look your best at all times.

While the tips and discoveries above will help you show your best face to the world, the best beauty advice we can give you is to wear self-confidence on the inside and a healthy, glowing smile on the outside. You’ll look and feel like a million bucks!

Begin your journey to healthy skin with pure, potent skin care solutions that actually work! Find the products that deliver the unique results you want. Try the Sample Kit for only $10. Click here to get your Skincare Sample Kit plus $10 off coupon now!

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